Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Presidential Debates Historical Background

History of the Presidential Debates and how they Help US.

We have no always had presidential debates to allow the public to understand the ideas that our canidates have on certain topics.

This connects to my class because it shows how the presidential debates are not something new but they are something that people have been using for almost 30 to 40 years before they took a break. Before that they even used them in the civil war times like the Lincoln Douglas debates we learned so much about.

I think that these debates are a good idea to allow the people to choose the right canidate they believe can do a good job in office. It allows the media to be a little less of a factor because if all we knew about them was commercials we would be picking a president more for if we liked the song more than the other one rather than the facts that are shown to us through these 2 to 2 and a half our long discussions. So overall the person who came up with these debates was very smart and new it would help our nation.

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