Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Jacksonian Democracy

Jacksonian Democracy is very different compared to the Jeffersonian Democracy that came before it. The Jacksonian Democracy focused on the expansion of executive branch powers while the legislative branch was then stripped of there’s. One concept of the Jacksonian Democracy which in my opinion is a very good thing is how it allowed more equal rights not just for wealthy people or land owners but every white individual (Remember during this time black people didn’t have the same rights as whites). This was bases that lead to equality to all races in our country which now a days gives us a huge mix of culture which allows us to be different than any other country, were like one big melting pot as some people put it. There was a party who was against this type of democracy and that part was called the Whig Party probably more because if was the rival of the party Andrew Jackson was apart of which is the Democratic Party. One thing that this new era thought was a good idea was Westward Expansion or as they call it Manifest Destiny. Overall this expansion has been shaped our country and because of it we would not have such an expansive amount of resources and land to be used by the people as well as place for visit like California and Seattle. Overall I believe that the Jacksonian Democracy helped shape the ideas that we are now used to today such as equality and equal representation both in the senate and who we elect to become president. These are things we trust should be defended by our government and I think this style of democracy allowed that to happen.

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