Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Acorn or Voter Fraud Now THAT is the Question

Acorn A Company that is Trying to Help Get the Word Out

Acorn a company that is allowing people who have financial difficulties to bounce back and allows people to vote is now being attacked as a conspiracy and linkings to Voter Fraud are not just out of the question.

The Acorn Scandal and Voter Fraud have nothing to do with eachother. Sure there have been cases where Voter Fraud has occured but as many sources have shown it is a very small margin that is generally picked out by the vast number of people who look at the ballots. What it is allowing is for people who have a lower income to have their voices heard which has always been a problem here in America. Now a days the government revolves not around the citizens but the big corperations, which is exactly what the U.S. was not based on. When it comes to McCain talking about Acorn when there are bigger topics is just showing how he is trying to avoid the topic of economy like this CNN reporter wrote. "John McCain is talking about ACORN? Just as a top McCain adviser admitted that his candidate wouldn't campaign on the economy because it's a losing issue, so too it seems that the GOP has made a collective decision to abandon any real discussion of the issues in favor of distortion and distraction." I agree with this reporter and although I support McCain, I think he should focus on the bigger issues.

Overall the issue of voter fraud is really not applicable and just a way to escape from the current issues that actually need to be adressed like the economy the war and overall plans to help the government get back on its feet. These are the big issues not this voter fraud as another writer wrote, "After all, the odds of someone voting fraudulently are about the same as those of an American being struck and killed by lightning." These odds are very slim and the chances of it actually affecting the election is slim to none, so we need to focus more on the main topics not just scapegoats to help draw the publics eye.

To see a video by Acorn attacking voter supression just click here.
New York Times
Washington Times
Market Watch

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