Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Presidential Debate Reflection Number 3

1. "He has been watching ads of Senator McCain's. Let me tell you what I'm actually going to do. I think tax policy is a major difference between Senator McCain and myself. And we both want to cut taxes, the difference is who we want to cut taxes for." One thing we have talked about in class is how the media is a good source of allowing people to believe certain things even if they may not be true. This is a case where one of the commercials against Obama is makign a man believe that Obamas ideas to help the country would be affecting him and his taxes which may or may not be true but are completely based of a unreliable source, a commercial.

2. McCain, Oct. 7:"He voted for nearly a billion dollars in pork-barrel earmark projects, including, by the way, $3 million for an overhead projector at a planetarium in Chicago, Illinois. My friends, do we need to spend that kind of money?" This is true that he did request 3 million dollars yet as this quote from factcheck will prove the statement is not completely correct. "The fact is, however, that the technology Obama requested was not an "overhead projector" such as one might see in a classroom or office."

3. Overall the press and media were talking a lot more about the plus things that Obama did while McCain got the brutal side of it. He was being commented on what he said and just overall the talk was about how Obama did and how he did an overall better job that McCain did which im sure McCain supporters werent to thrilled about.


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