Thursday, January 8, 2009

George W Bush, Ecological Savior or Devil

President George W Bush is possible one of the most hated presidents to ever take office. Due to his almost non existent attempts to stop global warming, the opening of drilling around the United States and the war that is now being questioned about its true purpose. Even though he has been accused of all these things and all of them being true and wrong in their own way, he is also the only president to ever make protected waters like State Parks.

There are people that believe that George W Bush has single handedly killed our planet and believes he has done so much wrong that he will have to make up for it for a long time. "Bush's myriad environmental sins could have him serving penance for years. But we decided to highlight seven of his most deadly." Their are also people who think that he doesnt try to stop global warming which may be true, this quote shows someones opinion on this matter. "Meanwhile, he's lent regulatory support to old-school polluting industries, such as coal and oil and gas. With no federal mandate to reduce greenhouse gases, the country has largely been content to burn up the atmosphere with those dirtier, cheaper sources of energy."

There are also people who may think these same things as other people but also believe he is starting something new that will carry on and makes up for a lot of what he did. These preserves are the largest amount of protected land by any president which is a huge feat. "While he has resisted imposing mandatory curbs on greenhouse gas emissions linked to climate change and has opened large areas of the nation to drilling, mining and other use of resources, by the end of his term he will have protected more ocean than any person in history."

Bush although being a very controversial topic in the United States now and probably in future years, has showed us that although people may not seem like they care about nature, that man or women can change and do something that may suprise you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What I notice about his perspective is that he thinks that over Bushes time being president he didn't help global warming at all and now that his time is almost over he is trying to help save the ocean at the very last minute. I think that his thesis supports what he is writing and tells what he thinks about the situation.