Friday, January 30, 2009

Mentor Questions

1. Do you like your job
2. What is your favorite part of what you do
3. What caused allowed you to know you should go into education
4. Is their anyone who you want to keep in contact with through this job
5. What expectations do you have for me
6. How long have you worked here
7. Why did you work here rather than somewhere else
8. Have you met any interesting people while you were working here.
9. Whats your favorite part of being in education
10. Where do you go for lunch
11. In your opinion is SDSU ma good school
12. What is an average work day like
13. How many people do you work with
14. How were your interns last semester
15. What will i be doing during emursion
16. Are you the head guy of the LARC department
17. Are you married
18. Do you have children
19. Where did you go to school
20. Where did you work before here

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Internship First Day

What happened today?????

I drove to SDSU, then i went and found a parking spot which took like 10 minutes, then i had to get a permit. Then i found my mentor who is pretty cool and we met all the other people who will be working with us. He gave us directions on 2 programs and we had to learn these or at least have a basic knowledege to help other students who come in. Other than that i played on the computer and listened to music.

How did you get to internship????

I drove their, i love having a license.

What did you do for lunch???

I went to In and Out since i havent gone their in such a long time

How did you get home??

I drove

How did everything go?

Everything went really well, my mentor is really chill and a very nice guy who is ok with me leaving early on thursdays to go to games so thats a plus. He is also very happy we are their and happy with any help that we give.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Eisenhower's Departing Words of Wisdom

Eisenhower Farewell Address

It is tradition for a president to give in inaugural address and a farewell address. These are things that presidents have done for many years and allow the presidents to thank certain people and to address the public with issues they hope to accomplish. One man who warned the United States about a pressing issue is President and supreme commander of the Allied forces, Dwight David Eisenhower. Eisenhower thanked many people and thanked the country for voting him into office but being a general in the armed forces he was aware of how influential private corporations can be in government, this influence of private corporations is called the industrial military complex. Through the years private corporations have extended their reach and the Iraq war is a prime example of an event where private companies and the government worked together to get oil, make money and start a new world order.

One man who was a strong supporter of the Iraq war was Dick Cheney. Dick was the vice president to George W. Bush and before becoming vice president was CEO of a Dallas based Oil Company called Halliburton. When he ran for vice president he retired from being the CEO but still had a large share of the company. Since Halliburton is an oil company and Iraq has a lot of oil, Dick made a contract with Halliburton to privatize the rights to drilling and harvesting of oil in Iraq before the war even started. This quote talks about how much Dick benefited from this contract. “Between 1992 and 1999, the Pentagon paid BRS more than $1.2 billion for its work in trouble spots around the globe. In May of 1999, the US Army Corps of Engineers re-enlisted the company's help in the Balkans, giving it a new five-year contract worth $731 million.” As you can see, Dick made a lot of money which makes people wonder if he was using his seat in government to make money for himself when he retired, which with these numbers and the large amount of shares he has in the company that would make a lot of sense.

Many people believe war has no winner, but in the Iraq War their was definitely a winner, and that would be the U.S. military. The military gets a large amount of money from taxes. This quote shows the huge amount of money that the military receives every year. “As MarketWatch's Paul B. Farrell points out, ours is no longer a manufacturing economy or an agricultural economy or even a consumer economy but a war economy, which requires Americans "to surrender 54% of their tax dollars to a war machine." The numbers alone are staggering: the United States presently spends more than $700 billion on its military, which accounts for 48% of the world's total military spending. The military-industrial complex has also helped erect a national security-surveillance state while perpetuating a military empire worldwide” This shows how we use this money for personal gain for the U.S. we go to war not to protect out country but to let private companies and organizations prosper like weapon companies. President Bush Senior is part of a company that goes and buys weapon manufacturers fixes them up and sells them for a much larger profit.

The Project for the New American Century is the spreading of American ideals and influence across the Nation. The person who started up this group is William Kristol and many leaders who were in office with George W Bush are also members of the group including Dick Cheney. Some believe that this is just a way that the U.S. is trying to take control of the whole entire world, which may be true but its true intentions will never really be announced until the events they set in motion are leading to their real goal. For now they say that "American leadership is both good for America and good for the world" which basically is saying that America should show people the right way to act and how each government should be which actually goes against our way of life. In the Bill of Rights, it says every person has the right to speech, religion, etc… yet when we do this to other people these rules to not apply so that is really the part that makes it feel unjust and giving many people ideas that this is just an organization with intentions to take over the whole world.

Eisenhower’s speech was a warning that we the people should heed, because if it is not followed it will be harmful for citizens and will just force us into wars for reasons that are not truly for the people. The Iraq War is just one example of how private organizations that wanted oil, money and power and will sacrifice people who fight for their country as pawns in their quest.


-Bryce, Bryce. "Cheney's Multi-Million Dollar Revolving Door." | Home - Daily News, Political Commentary and Analysis. 25 Jan. 2009 .

-Jamil, Mohammad Jamil. "Can Obama restore US's image? | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online." The Nation | The Nation is the most credible of English Newspapers in Pakistan.. 25 Jan. 2009 .

-Turner, Douglas . "Bush failed to heed Eisenhower’s warning : Opinion : The Buffalo News." The Buffalo News. 25 Jan. 2009 .

-Whitehead, Jhon . "Will Obama Be a Peace Maker." Rutherford Institute. 9 Jan. 1925 < st="on">Buffalo News." The Buffalo News. 25 Jan. 2009 .>.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Speech

"Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. Homes have been lost; jobs shed; businesses shuttered. Our health care is too costly; our schools fail too many; and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet."

1. Why did you choose this section?

I choose it because it addresses the main issue that is at hand. It shows people his main importance is the people and that he wants things to get back to the way they want it to. He wants people to know that he is for the people and whatever he does it’s for him.

2. How do Obama's words relate to the everyday life that you know and understand?

Obama’s words relate to everyday life because he talks about things that people worry about every day and affect the average people that live in America. He says things that relate to people and affect everyone rather than just people who have lots of money or big corporations.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Revised Outline

1. Your thesis statement. This should communicate something original (and hopefully, interesting) about the connection you have established between your icons.

This quote from Shakespear and depiction of two heroes in Gears of war 2 show how war has been changed from this thing that people are scared of and fear to something we play on a daily basis due to how we are shown pieces of literature, play video games and watch movies that show us what war is like from an early age.

2. Body Paragraphs: Topic sentence. Evidence. Analysis. Bonus: Transition to the next paragraph.

Literature is a class every child takes, and a poet they always read about due to his extremely popular literary pieces would be Shakespeare.

"Morale in the English line as they looked upon the overwhelming force of heavily armoured, highly skilled French knights must have been extremely low. King Henry, rising to the occasion, spoke words of encouragement that rallied the English troops and carried them to a victory. As a result of the victory the French Princess Catherine was betrothed to Henry V, and France and England were at peace for the remainder of Henry's short life. He perished of dysentery in 1422, but was survived by his son (Henry VI) and was buried at Westminster Abbey, close to the shrine of Edward the Confessor."

Video games is also another form that children learn of this through violent video games revolving around a team and how they grow and lose people close to them.

Evidence would be gears of war 2, call of duty 1,2,3,4 I am not sure about quotes for this section probably wont use any will just refer to the games.

One more big way that they learn this bond is through movies such as band of brothers that give first hand experience of people who have been in wars like World War 2 and how they grew together a bond that can only formed in combat.

"You've fought bravely, proudly for my country, you're a special group. found in one another a bond that exists only in combat, among brothers. you've seem death and suffered together, I'm proud to have served with each and every one of you."

3. Conclusion: Looks to the future, leaves us thinking, refers to the thesis but keeps us moving beyond so our experience in the real world now includes your perspective.

Look at how wars today cause men to learn of these bonds between men, and how these bonds will be there until there is no war. This bond among men who fight for their country fight for you, and even if you do not believe in the reasons of the war you should always believe in the men who put down their lives for the safety of the country.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hall of Icons Project

1. Your thesis statement. This should communicate something original (and hopefully, interesting) about the connection you have established between your icons.

Shakespeare wrote "Saint Crispen's Day Speech" about men who stood against many and this quote portrays the bond these men shared just like the picture from gears of war 2 shows this bond between men and shows how this bond has expanded to young children through literature, video games and movies.

2. Body Paragraphs: Topic sentence. Evidence. Analysis. Bonus: Transition to the next paragraph.

Literature is a class every child takes, and a poet they always read about due to his extremely popular literary pieces would be Shakespeare.

"Morale in the English line as they looked upon the overwhelming force of heavily armoured, highly skilled French knights must have been extremely low. King Henry, rising to the occasion, spoke words of encouragement that rallied the English troops and carried them to a victory. As a result of the victory the French Princess Catherine was betrothed to Henry V, and France and England were at peace for the remainder of Henry's short life. He perished of dysentery in 1422, but was survived by his son (Henry VI) and was buried at Westminster Abbey, close to the shrine of Edward the Confessor."

Video games is also another form that children learn of this through violent video games revolving around a team and how they grow and lose people close to them.

Evidence would be gears of war 2, call of duty 1,2,3,4

One more big way that they learn this bond is through movies such as band of brothers that give first hand experience of people who have been in wars like World War 2 and how they grew together a bond that can only formed in combat.

You've fought bravely, proudly for my country, you're a special group. found in one another a bond that exists only in combat, among brothers. you've seem death and suffered together, I'm proud to have served with each and every one of you.

3. Conclusion: Looks to the future, leaves us thinking, refers to the thesis but keeps us moving beyond so our experience in the real world now includes your perspective.

Look at how wars today cause men to learn of these bonds between men, and how these bonds will be there until there is no war. This bond among men who fight for their country fight for you, and even if you do not believe in the reasons of the war you should always believe in the men who put down their lives for the safety of the country.

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother

Thursday, January 8, 2009

George W Bush, Ecological Savior or Devil

President George W Bush is possible one of the most hated presidents to ever take office. Due to his almost non existent attempts to stop global warming, the opening of drilling around the United States and the war that is now being questioned about its true purpose. Even though he has been accused of all these things and all of them being true and wrong in their own way, he is also the only president to ever make protected waters like State Parks.

There are people that believe that George W Bush has single handedly killed our planet and believes he has done so much wrong that he will have to make up for it for a long time. "Bush's myriad environmental sins could have him serving penance for years. But we decided to highlight seven of his most deadly." Their are also people who think that he doesnt try to stop global warming which may be true, this quote shows someones opinion on this matter. "Meanwhile, he's lent regulatory support to old-school polluting industries, such as coal and oil and gas. With no federal mandate to reduce greenhouse gases, the country has largely been content to burn up the atmosphere with those dirtier, cheaper sources of energy."

There are also people who may think these same things as other people but also believe he is starting something new that will carry on and makes up for a lot of what he did. These preserves are the largest amount of protected land by any president which is a huge feat. "While he has resisted imposing mandatory curbs on greenhouse gas emissions linked to climate change and has opened large areas of the nation to drilling, mining and other use of resources, by the end of his term he will have protected more ocean than any person in history."

Bush although being a very controversial topic in the United States now and probably in future years, has showed us that although people may not seem like they care about nature, that man or women can change and do something that may suprise you.


1. What do you hope to learn or discover about the "adult" world of work while you are at your internship?

I want to experience it and see whats its like in the business world. I also want to know what i need to do to succeed when i get out of high school. I also want to figure out what the business world is like and see if the world of an electrical engineer is really all its cracked up to be.

2. What do you hope to learn or discover about yourself and your identity while you are at your internship this semester?

I hope to see if i like electrical engineering or find a type a job that i enjoy so i have fun when i work. I hope to do this by getting a internship i actually might wanna do when i get older like engineering. If i don't feel that this is my calling it allowed myself to not spend 4 years in college in the wrong major.

3. What goals do you have for yourself for your internship experience?

My goals are to work hard, and make sure that i do everything right so that it compares to other people who work there. I also wanna make this experience as much fun so i can so that i can enjoy it and actually like coming to work. Other than those expectations, i feel that this internship will be a great experience and just not aware how much this will let me grow as a individual and team player.