Friday, November 21, 2008

Honors Blog History

Honors Blog

Before we talk about why the Civil War is called the Second American Revolution we have to understand what a revolution is. states that a revolution is, “An overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed.” If we take this quote and show see if it fits what happen with the Civil War we will see if it would be considered the Second American Revolution. During the Civil War there were small rebellions and certain events that were throwing the mutuality between the north and the south into chaos, there was also a new government set up including new political parties and lastly there was fighting between the North and the South for there right to independence.

First, we need to look at the issues that split this great country in two. The main issue that both the north and the south had strong feelings for was Slavery. The north believed it was immoral while the south liked how it provided them a cheap way of labor. People believed in there viewpoint and were willing to use force to show people they meant business, this quote talks about a mob that started trying to spur pro slavery in Lawrence Kansas, “Ignoring the pleas of some leaders, its members smashed the presses of two newspapers, the Herald of Freedom and the Kansas Free State.” This quote is showing how the mob was trying to stop anti-slavery publications so Kansas would become a slave state. 3 days after the Sack of Lawrence anti-slavery believers retaliated in a much more brutal way, “Three days after the Lawrence raid, Brown headed under cover of dark toward Pottawatomie Creek with a half a dozen others…they burst into the cabin of James Doyle, a proslavery man from Tennessee with cutlasses drawn…Before the night was done, two more cabins had been visited and two more proslavery settlers brutally executed.” These attacks were starting to become more vengeful as tensions between the pro slavery and anti-slavery activists started to peek. The mutuality between the North and the South was getting becoming almost none existent at the time where South Carolina Senator attacks Massachusetts senator, “Brooks strode into the Senate after it had adjourned, went up to Sumner, who was seated at his desk, and proceeded to beat him over the head with a cane.” These issues show how the North and the South were becoming completely different entities causing the recession of southern states from the union.

Although there was lots of aggression between these two sides it was not always shown through force, there was a political stand point. After the southern states receded they made there own government sort of like how America made there own government when getting away from Britain. The last straw that forced the South to become the Confederates was the election of Republican Abraham Lincoln, the reason they receded are vast but the main issue was Slavery. This quote shows that recession was the South’s last option to protect there liberty, “Secession seemed the only alternative left to protect the southern equality and liberty. Southern Carolina, which had challenged the federal authority in the nullification crisis, was determined to force the other southern states to act.” South Carolina was the driving force behind the recession of southern states, and because of them this happened, “On December 20, 1860, a popular convention unanimously passed a resolution seceding from the union. The rest of the Deep South followed and on February 7, 1861, the states stretching from Carolina to Texas organized the Confederate States of America and elected Jefferson Davis president.” This recession of the Deep South caused something much bigger. Because of these southern states receding, other states followed so it was pretty much like a game of follow the leader. Certain things then happened causing more states to recede which this quote will explain, “ When Anderson declined the ultimatum Confederate batteries began shelling the fort… 33 hours later Anderson Surrendered…When Lincoln subsequently called for 75,000 volunteers to put down the rebellion, four states in the Upper South, led by Virginia, also seceded. Matters had passed beyond compromise.” With these Upper Southern States the confederacy was a force to be reckoned with and something had to be done.

When the orders were given that the North was going to put down the southern rebellion, Jim Tankham was confident he believed, “The war wont last sixty days,” if he only knew that the war would be a hard fight for the right to have slaves. While this war looked gloom like every where does, this war was different, this war was not going to be any traditional war, it will be a new type with more bloodshed and more lives lost. “ Previous warfare as it had evolved in Europe consisted largely of maneuverings that took relatively few lives… The Civil War, on the other hand, was the first war whose major battles routinely involved more than 100,000 troops.” This change in warfare completely changed tactics and with that changed the overall outlook on the war. People had much better chances of dying and because of this knew that what they were doing was the right thing whether they were fighting for the South or the North. This shows a huge amount of pride and belief in there ideals which is something that wasn’t really seen since the first American Revolution. A quote from Ulysses S Grant after the battle at Shiloh states, “I gave up all idea of saving the Union except by complete conquest.” This shows the determination that was shown by these defenders and how they would willingly give up there lives for there beliefs. This war changed the whole outlook of fighting and the men that were in it changed as well. A Rhode Island soldier says, “ The daily sight of blodd and mangled bodies was common…So blunted their finer sensibilities as almost to blot out all love, all sympathy from the heart.” This shows how this war was not looked at as a war to gain land which is a main reason for wars; it was a war for freedom, liberty, and rights that these people thought they deserved.

Overall the Civil War can be called the second American Revolution for many reasons and truthfully they will probably all be right because of how much this war meant to the people that were in it fighting for what they believed in. This war had a change in politics, a change in warfare and small disputes leading to a bigger event. These are all signs of a revolution, they are almost similar to the events that happened during the first American Revolution and in all reality this should not even be considered a war it should be called the Civil Revolution because of all the things that happened and everything the South did to protect the rights that they thought they deserved.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


I am thankful for food...

I will be working on my revisions on my draft as well as finish writting my other two essay. Lasltly i will go and find pictures and write descriptions on those pictures and make there they will be able to be shown on the day we get back.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

H20 Project

What are you discovering so far?

I am Discovering how a lot of beaches in San Diego are really dirty but overall the beaches are fairly clean. I am also learning how cleanliness in the beach like with trash closely relates to the pollution that is in the water if there is a small amount of litter there is generally less water pollution. Lastly i am finding it very difficult to find information on tourism that the beaches attract and money that is generated from it.

What surprises you about this project?

What surprises me is the large amount of beaches in San Diego. I knew there was mission beach pacific beach Ocean beach and Imperial beach but each of those have different names and sections theres like 50 or 60 just in San Diego county alone. It just makes me think how many beaches there are in the U.S. since we have water on both he whole entire east and west coasts.

What re your next steps to have a cool product and a great piece of writing?

My next step is to contact the chamber of commerce and also the board of tourism so i can figure how much money these beaches generate and how many people go to these beaches.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Voter Segregation

The process of bringing a certain group of people is first appealing to the interests of that group. The process generally also entails somone to lead while other will follow. Like how this article says that blacks lead the way for their rights and because of that women suffrage was done particurly the same way because of how effective it was. A article I found talks about all three races and how they affected the turnout in this election. They talked about how the black people were a small majority of the large amount of people who voted for Obama. They talk about how whites had a huge percentage who favored Obama and how a large number of those were young people between the ages of 18-30. This election has been a bigger turnout than most elections and because of how a black man ran for office is one of these reasons because it is showing how our nation is stepping forward towards equality and away from racism.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Final product examples for water project

There are many beach ranking systems. What i wanna do that is different is make my own ranking system so that i can rank them on factors that take from many different websites. All three of these beach ranking systems rate the beaches on different things. The first link shows the grading system of the beaches and is very in depth. It has many different things from seaweed to pests that may be at the beach while the second one is about how the beach looks which attracts most people and the overall amount of tourism these areas get. Lastly the third article only talks about how clean the water is and the amount of advisories they get they ranked them either as a good medium or bad which is very simple but gives tourists a idea of beaches they should go to.

I am planning on making my own ranking system and i will be able to use a mix of all these and take certain things to make my own ranking system and rank the top 5 or top 10 beaches in San Diego. I am also hoping to graph these to show how they rank so its also a visual piece.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Part 1

I feel like McCain would be the better presidential candidate but overall I am ok with the results. I feel that security will have to be a big issue because since he is black there are certain groups of people who may want to kill him because of there beliefs on minorities. I am worried that he will pull out of Iraq really fast which will in the long run hurt the Iraq economy as well as allow the terrorists to take over. Some things that I am looking forward to is equality for all people which i think is something that even though its in the constitution not everyone follows those rules and those things should be taken a bit more seriously.

I also believe i have a good amount of civic knowledge and understand fairly well the current events that are happening and the reasons behind them. I cant say this for most of the adults in the US but i feel overall i understand these issues better than most adults.

Part 2

Question: What are the top 5 beaches in San Diego based off of cleanliness of the water, cleanliness of the beach, Tourism and money generated.

Resources that are needed: A graphing program so I can make graphs, reports like heal the bay and the water testing that we are doing in class. I will also need sites talking about money that is generated by tourism and the amount of tourists that visit these beaches every year.

People needed: I will not have to interview anyone to do this. I will have to talk to Brandon and Randy.

For the first week. I will be getting information from the lab tests and make sure I get the information from many different beaches so i can compare them. I will also be going and getting information on the internet and get some background info on all of the popular beaches in San Diego.

Second week I will get be getting information from many different ranking systems and see how they rank there beaches. I will use these as a stepping stone to make my guide and build upon them so that I can get a good system to rank these beaches to the best of my ability and provide a accurate ranking based off 4 different topics.

Third and Fourth week and Fifth week. I will start working on my graphs and make sure I understand how to use the program as well as work on my Web page that I will be posting this on. I will also need to work on my writing portion and get it looked at many different people like my friends and my teachers. Lastly I will need to check all my information and make sure everything is 100% correct and work on getting some pictures to show how these beaches look so the public can get a visual view as well as picturing it through the piece of writing I will be creating.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Research Project Ideas

1. Has beach quality in San Diego getting better or worse

From the articles on there seems like the overall amount of beaches in San Diego are pretty good most of the year but when it rains urban runoff from the streets forces a lot of beacehs to close because of bacteria that is swept into the ocean because of the rain. The Union Tribune page talks about how pollution is getting worse and after the rain season last year with more rain than usual it forced many beaches to close because of how the land is kept up which is something that needs to be fixed if we are to help the oceans get less poluted.

2. Whats the cleanest beach in San Diego? Whats the dirtiest?

"When there's rain, beaches at the mouths of lagoons, rivers and creeks tend to exceed state standards for fecal coliform bacteria." Overall from reports i have read San Diego beaches are much better than beaches in L.A. Country and northern California. Only time they are really bad is when it rains and the quote above gives the reasan for that. So maybe my question should be more about the difference between beacehs here in San Diego and beaches in the rest of California but that will be hard to test water out of San Diego. This may be something i can look up on the internet on many different sources that are reliable and maybe shed a whole different light on beaches in San Diego.