Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dred Scott Case

The Dred Scott Case was about a man and his wife who ran away to the north and sued there dead owner for there freedom. They had the grounds that while traveling with there owner they passed through both free and slave states showing that they are in that case free. The case took eleven years to go through the court system until it finally reached the Supreme Court. It got thrown out of court by the Supreme Court on the grounds that slaves do not have the same rights as citizens thus they can not sue someone for there freedom, only someone who is a U.S. citizen can sue. This caused a tension between the north and the south which some believe could have been one of the major events to cause the Civil War to happen. It caused two precedents one for the people who believed slavery was a bad thing and shouldn’t be allowed and the people who were for slavery. The people who were against slavery thought that this was just the begging and because of this black people will be able to win there rights in a court of law. The people who were for slavery thus believed that this case just further showed them that blacks are not like them, they are different thus do not have the same rights as they do.

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