Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Racial Identity

Racial Identity

Language of racial identity is something that happens all the time in the U.S. actually it happens all over the world. Racial identity is done by everyone whether they know it or not, each race has a stereotype which is then looked at when you see that persons skin color, or distinctive physical features. These things change how we see ourselves, how the community sees you and how the world categorizes you.

How we feel about our self is a very big part of how we act. If we feel like we are constantly being judged we may be a little more cautious for certain things. This goes the same for race. People of a certain race even if they are biracial are generally classified based off of there skin color, like a example Marie used was Obama, he is white and black yet most people just know he is black and is considered the first “black” president because of his skin color. Because of how the media and other portray these people black people who may be white or Asian themselves will think of them selves as only black and forget the other racial parts they have. This form of characterization has been happening since people have been alive; this is the reason for slaves and reason for genocide. When believing a certain race may be better like how Arians felt during the Nazi regime, Jews had to pay for their stupidity. Even though we have been moving forward in minority equality the future may have drawbacks because of characterization of biracial people and not accepting what is beneath eye level.

The way we feel about ourselves is closely correlated with how the community sees you and how the media portrays it. Another thing from the “He’s Not Black” article talks about how the media is saying that he is a black man and how he’s the first black man to become president when he is also white. Now I feel that this characterizing will cause things in the future that we don’t see in the present now a days, I feel like there will be more stereotypes based off of race even more than there is now and overall the tensions between races will causes a shift in political power within the government. I also think that with the characterization of skin color and race we will never be able to reach the full potential of equality that a society wishes to make but realistically there is no way that a society as big as the United States could ever be completely equal for everyone, there will always be those that have more power than others and that is how capitalism functions.

Lastly, how the world sees us, which is generally as controlling, overweight and lazy also changes out outlook on things. Our whole government is basically based off of power and being the best at everything it does. Our pop icons such as some that Marie had listed shape how others feel about us which then shapes how we should act. A few examples are how a lot of girls look up to Britney Spears even if she isn’t biracial, people look up to her and even if she is considered a bad example she is the one who portrays America when she goes around the world singing. So even though race is a large part of this discussion we can’t also forget how the new and media shapes our ideas and how we act based off of stereotypes that are set and we feel we have to follow. This is something that Marie does not put into her article yet I feel is something that if addressed and adequately presented would help prove her argument as to how we characterize people off of race.

Overall the discussion on racial identity could be discussed for countless hours and there are so many viewpoints on how it might change our government, our way of life it would be near impossible to write down. But after reading this article I do agree with most of it but I feel that she left out certain topics that she should have addressed to better further the understanding of racial identity we have I this country and how individual people are not to blame but the people in the media who feed this information that may be half true just to sell there magazines, newspapers or to get ratings.

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