Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A.I.G Going Bankrupt???

Fed Readies A.I.G. Loan of $85

Billion for an 80% Stake

Published: September 16, 2008

Overall this article is talking about how A.I.G is having to get bailed out by the feds because without it the largest insurance company will go out of buisness and affect buisnesses and normal people world wide.

This relates to class because it is part of the stock market drop and how because of a large amount of banks and big companys folding is lowering the DOW and causing the government to bail out all the companies that help the country.

I think they should let A.I.G fold and let a smaller insurance company or one that is maybe not as big but still a well known one to take most of the people A.I.G has or split it up between a lot of companies. Then they should allow those companies to use government money to make more networks to they can control the flow of people and hopefully with this it will stable out and increase the amount of companies based in the US hightening the DOW and maybe bringing the stock market to what it was. But just giving money will jsut cause inflation in the U.S. and make the stock market fall even farther.

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