Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dred Scott Case

The Dred Scott Case was about a man and his wife who ran away to the north and sued there dead owner for there freedom. They had the grounds that while traveling with there owner they passed through both free and slave states showing that they are in that case free. The case took eleven years to go through the court system until it finally reached the Supreme Court. It got thrown out of court by the Supreme Court on the grounds that slaves do not have the same rights as citizens thus they can not sue someone for there freedom, only someone who is a U.S. citizen can sue. This caused a tension between the north and the south which some believe could have been one of the major events to cause the Civil War to happen. It caused two precedents one for the people who believed slavery was a bad thing and shouldn’t be allowed and the people who were for slavery. The people who were against slavery thought that this was just the begging and because of this black people will be able to win there rights in a court of law. The people who were for slavery thus believed that this case just further showed them that blacks are not like them, they are different thus do not have the same rights as they do.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I was most Proud
of my A.I.G post because I give my ideas on how to fix this problem and bring the economy back from its slump.

Some things I have to improve is my use of pictures. I never use pictures to help as evidence and I generally always use the same source like Washington Post or New York Times. Lastly I need to get peoples opinions and make sure I read the articles more in depth.

To connect our blogs we should have a weekly discussion with 4 or 5 people and we go and talk about each others blog and what we think about them. Then later that night we have to write about something that we have learned or something that interested us during the discussion and link that persons blog to your own.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Obama Nation... A Lie???

‘The Obama Nation’

Edited On: September 25th 2008
Published: August 12, 2008

Fact check

This article talks about why the writer wrote "The Obama Nation" and that he believes in what he wrote.

This connects to class because I looked up this book on factcheck.org and I was informed that this book not a proper place to get info on Obama. A few quotes showing that he says things that may not be true are, "Corsi claims that Obama "could claim to be a citizen of Kenya as well as of the United States." But the Kenyan Constitution specifically prohibits dual citizenship." Thats just one, heres another example, "Corsi relies on claims from one of Obama's "closest" childhood friends to "prove" that Obama once was a practicing Muslim, without revealing that the witness later said he couldn't be certain about his claims and confessed to knowing Obama for only a few months."

Personally, I cant believe that this person would write a book full of lies about a president without being convicted or something like that. Because of what I have read on fact check most of the it is lies and gave Obama a bad image. It was a best seller by the New York Times.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A.I.G Going Bankrupt???

Fed Readies A.I.G. Loan of $85

Billion for an 80% Stake

Published: September 16, 2008

Overall this article is talking about how A.I.G is having to get bailed out by the feds because without it the largest insurance company will go out of buisness and affect buisnesses and normal people world wide.

This relates to class because it is part of the stock market drop and how because of a large amount of banks and big companys folding is lowering the DOW and causing the government to bail out all the companies that help the country.

I think they should let A.I.G fold and let a smaller insurance company or one that is maybe not as big but still a well known one to take most of the people A.I.G has or split it up between a lot of companies. Then they should allow those companies to use government money to make more networks to they can control the flow of people and hopefully with this it will stable out and increase the amount of companies based in the US hightening the DOW and maybe bringing the stock market to what it was. But just giving money will jsut cause inflation in the U.S. and make the stock market fall even farther.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Russia States Reason for Invading Georgia

Putin: Russia had to invade


writer: Not given
September 11th 2008

This article is talking about why Putin invaded the small country of Georgia and that his reasons were to stop revolt in Russian Nations and not to try and annex it back into Russia.

This connects to class because it talks about life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They are making sure there liberty is intact by making sure there isnt revolt in there own country but they are taking liberty from Georgia at the same time because they are trying to invade them.

To me I think they are doing this to show people that Russia is still a powerful country and not be taken for granted. They have the power to control the countries around them and can feel free to use that power at any time.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Federalist verse anti-Federalist

McCain calls for limited roll in U.S.
By: Sam Dillon
September 9, 2008; New York Times

It talks about McCains plan for public schools and Obamas plans and how they differ.

This connects to class because it what McCain is doing where he thinks the federal government should play a smaller role in education but still have guidelines while Obama differes and believes they should do more to make sure that the No Child Left Behind act is enforced and they know what is happening in public schools in the U.S. This shows the Federalist which is Obama in this instance compared to McCain who is anti Federalist right now, this shows both sides of the arguement and good reasans to both.

Personally I think it should be half and half. I think the government should step in but shouldnt watch everything that is happenig in the school. Theys also shouldnt give teachers more money for doing certain things because those teachers will just do what they have to get the most money possible.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

McCain Willing Fighting for Office

To G.O.P., McCain Issues Call for Change

Adam Nagourny
September 4, 2008; New York Times

Overall this article is talking about how McCain is trying to change things in Washington. He wants to try and take the people who think of themselves over there country out of office and change the government to be more for the people. He also says how he will go against his own party if that is stopping him from making the right choice for his country.

This connects to class because it is just like John Locke's idea of Life, Liberty and Property. McCain wants to make help the country be more for the people rather than for the greedy people who are making all the decisions in D.C.

Personally, I think John McCain will do a lot of good for our country, he seems like a very intelligent man with good morals. I think the will allow change in the government and try to stop corruption which is so common.

Mayor of Detroit Pleads Guilty and Resigns

Detroit Mayor Pleads Guilty, Resigns

By: Susan Saulny
September 4th 2008
The New York Times

The article is about the mayor of Detroit resigning so that he is not charged for lying under oath.

It connects to class because it is relating to Hobbs way of thinking. He is resigning to protect himself from persecution and even though he loses his job he doesn't have to go to court for breaking the law.

Personally I think he should not have lied in the first place but, to save himself from being persecuted what he did was a good idea.