Thursday, January 15, 2009

Revised Outline

1. Your thesis statement. This should communicate something original (and hopefully, interesting) about the connection you have established between your icons.

This quote from Shakespear and depiction of two heroes in Gears of war 2 show how war has been changed from this thing that people are scared of and fear to something we play on a daily basis due to how we are shown pieces of literature, play video games and watch movies that show us what war is like from an early age.

2. Body Paragraphs: Topic sentence. Evidence. Analysis. Bonus: Transition to the next paragraph.

Literature is a class every child takes, and a poet they always read about due to his extremely popular literary pieces would be Shakespeare.

"Morale in the English line as they looked upon the overwhelming force of heavily armoured, highly skilled French knights must have been extremely low. King Henry, rising to the occasion, spoke words of encouragement that rallied the English troops and carried them to a victory. As a result of the victory the French Princess Catherine was betrothed to Henry V, and France and England were at peace for the remainder of Henry's short life. He perished of dysentery in 1422, but was survived by his son (Henry VI) and was buried at Westminster Abbey, close to the shrine of Edward the Confessor."

Video games is also another form that children learn of this through violent video games revolving around a team and how they grow and lose people close to them.

Evidence would be gears of war 2, call of duty 1,2,3,4 I am not sure about quotes for this section probably wont use any will just refer to the games.

One more big way that they learn this bond is through movies such as band of brothers that give first hand experience of people who have been in wars like World War 2 and how they grew together a bond that can only formed in combat.

"You've fought bravely, proudly for my country, you're a special group. found in one another a bond that exists only in combat, among brothers. you've seem death and suffered together, I'm proud to have served with each and every one of you."

3. Conclusion: Looks to the future, leaves us thinking, refers to the thesis but keeps us moving beyond so our experience in the real world now includes your perspective.

Look at how wars today cause men to learn of these bonds between men, and how these bonds will be there until there is no war. This bond among men who fight for their country fight for you, and even if you do not believe in the reasons of the war you should always believe in the men who put down their lives for the safety of the country.

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