Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Aaron Rucinski



Rough Draft of Writing

Beaches in San Diego are overall very good compared to other places in the country. We have many places that attract tourism and have lower pollution levels allowing fewer cases of infections and other bacteria causing ailments. Mission Beach, which is a very popular beach in San Diego, is number 3 on the beach grading system I made based off of water pollution, tourism and overall beach cleanliness.

Water pollution is a big issue in coastal cities. It causes illnesses starting from nose and ear infections to upper respiratory problems. All though most of the time these things are minor they are a hassle and take away from the overall experience of going to a San Diego beach. Mission Beach has very good pollution levels all year round. Even after it rained it still had exceptional ratings compared to other beaches in the country and San Diego. A website called Heal the Bay gave Mission Bay an A the whole year. As well as data from Heal the Bay, tests that we have done in class has shown that Mission Bay has miniscule amount of water pollutants such as Total Coliforms, E Coli and Enterococci which are two main bacteria. Although water pollution is a big part of the beach grading scale, it is not the only thing.

We then look at tourism, which basically rates money generated by shops and the overall attraction this beach has compared to others. Mission Bay has an area called Belmont Park that has an arcade, food, a rollercoaster and a few other carnival rides and this attracts a lot of tourists and kids who want to have a fun day of beach fun and rides. As well as having the all those things, there are huge amount of stores varying from beach clothes to formal clothing allowing people to shop after having fun on the rollercoaster. Even though it has all these fun activities to do, there are a lot of places you can rent out so you can go to sleep with a beautiful view of the ocean and wake up to the sound of the waves.

Lastly, we have beach cleanliness. Beach cleanliness is the amount of litter and trash that is left on the beach, which affects the overall beauty that the beach has to offer. There are signs all over the place and police officers that drive along the beach that stop people from having glass, alcoholic beverages and stop littering as much as possible because it is against the law and is a nuisance to other beach goers. These rules and the people that enforce them allow Mission Beach to stay clean letting tourists and locals to have fun in the sun without having to worry on stepping on anything.

This beach is filled with many activities and a great place for tourists and locals to visit. It has so many different things to do; you will be entertained from the time you get there to the minute you leave. Overall, it is the cleanliness; lack of water pollution and tourist attractions that give me the pleasure of making it number 3 on my top beaches in San Diego list.


This is one of my essays, this essay is a draft of my work which is something i feel i did really well on. I tryed so ahrd to amke sure my writting was the best ic ould make it and that included making a lot of drafts since personally i find my writting less and adequate, if i used other people as my way of genreating ideas to make my writtng better i will come out with a better end product.

I did this by making sure i had everything ready to be critiqued by my teachers and peers so that things will be 100 percent in my eyes before they are graded harshly by my peers showing spelling corrections that had to mbe made clarity in sentences and overal layout of my paragraphs. This is somehting i feel i have never done before to this extent since i would say that i got up to 12 different drafts and i dont even know if thats the least of them. This is the process i went through to get to my final product.

This picture is just one of hte four pictures i ahd for my indesign layout. This captures the beach while showing what people do there in action. It allows tourists to see how much fun they could have.

I went through this by first looking through picutres in the hardrive that would help me relay my point and show the beauty of the beach. In the end i asked my mom who is a great photographer to see if i could use her work and i got 2 pictures from her little album she made that were of 2 of my friends last year at a surf competition. They were happy that i thought the pictures would be good enough to go on my final draft.

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